Operation Christmas Child
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(“…go and make disciples of all nations…”)
Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, collects shoebox gifts – filled with school supplies, hygiene items, and fun toys – and delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. A Gospel booklet in the child’s native language also accompanies each shoebox to help the child learn about God’s Greatest Gift, His Son, Jesus Christ. For many of these children, the gift-filled shoebox is the first gift they have ever received. Upon delivery of the shoeboxes, trained instructors present the gospel and later provide a discipleship program. 
Since 1993, OCC, the world’s largest Christian project of its kind, has collected and delivered more than 157 million shoebox gifts to children in more than 160 countries and territories. In 2018, OCC hopes to collect enough boxes to reach another 11 million children in countries like Peru, the Philippines, Rwanda and Ukraine. More than 11 million shoebox gifts were collected worldwide in 2017 with more than 8.8 million collected in the U.S. Others came from Canada, the U.K., Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Finland, Spain, New Zealand and Japan.
A critical element of OCC is a donation of $9 for each shoebox to cover costs for collection, shipping, instructional training, and distribution. 
First United Methodist Church of DeRidder will be collecting items throughout the summer and will concentrate on children in the 5-9 year age group. Specific items will be designated each month, and collection boxes will be in the office and at worship services each Sunday. May: Toys – June: Clothing/Accessories – July: School Supplies/Crafts – August: Hygiene Items – Sept: - Shipping Donations. Suggested items will be listed each month. Individuals, families, classes, etc. may choose to pack shoeboxes on their own.


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